Get rid of unwanted default apps in your Start menu.
Some default apps can be uninstalled easily from the Start menu. To do this, find the default app you want to uninstall in the Start menu, right-click on the app, and choose Uninstall from the drop-down menu that appears.
But for other apps -- including Calculator, Calendar, Mail, Camera, Maps, Movies & TV, People, Photos, Store, and Weather -- you'll need to use the PowerShell. (Some apps, such as Cortana, Microsoft Edge, and Windows Feedback cannot be uninstalled at all.) Here's how to do that:
3. Press the Enter key after you type this command to complete the process.
4. To remove other default apps, use the same command but replace windowscalculator with the following text:
3D Builder: 3dbuilder
Alarms and Clock: windowsalarms
Calendar and Mail: windowscommunicationsapps
Camera: windowscamera
Groove Music: zunemusic
Maps: windowsmaps
Movies & TV: zunevideo
OneNote: onenote
People: people
Photos: photos
Store: windowsstore
Voice Recorder: soundrecorder
Xbox: xboxapp
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